Linda Jackson began dance studies at the John Hayes O’Neill Studio of Dance in Rome when she was three years old, and furthered her training at the School of American Ballet in New York City and as a scholarship student of former New York City Ballet principal dancer Melissa Hayden. She made her professional debut with the Baltimore Ballet and subsequently worked with the Eglevsky Ballet.

Born and raised in Rome, NY, Margaret McLean Barcomb practiced law as a criminal prosecutor and currently teaches law at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management. She credits her legal background for driving her success as a fiction writer. When she was a prosecutor trying cases she’d survey the courtroom, noticing all the different characters and knew there was a book in what she was experiencing in her daily work.

The daughter of artist H. Ernest King of Frankfort, Joan Tell has been member of the Rome Art Association since 1968 and has served on the organization’s Board of Directors as First Vice President, Recording Secretary and three terms as Board Member. Along with fellow member Joyce Frank, Ms. Tell established the William Payne Memorial Award which was presented at RAA Regional Exhibits from 1982 to 1990.

In 1973, four pipers from the western Mohawk Valley of New York State (Dr. William Forbes, Jim Clough, Tom Carl, and Frank Dugan, Jr.) created a new bagpipe band in Rome, NY. The band was named after the famed British 78th Regiment of Foot, who helped to build and guard Fort Stanwix during the winter of 1758-59 and who played a major role later that year in defeating the French at Québec. The 78th Regiment of Foot was commonly known as Fraser’s Highlanders (for Highland chieftain Simon Fraser who raised the regiment), thus the new band was incorporated as the 78th Fraser’s Highlanders.

Jake Meiss’ earliest memories of music date back to when he was 18 months old and attended his first drum corps and marching band show. He started Euphonium in 4th grade, and later attended Rome Free Academy, where he participated in various music programs, playing trombone, French horn and tuba. Mr. Meiss majored in Music Education with a minor in Theatre at Pennsylvania State University and performed and travelled with the Marching Blue Band and the Singing Lions Show Choir.

Edyth Walker was born in Hopewell, NY on March 27, 1867. She moved to Rome as a child, residing at 407 N James Street (future site of B & L Bakery), where her father conducted a carriage making business. She attended Rome schools and taught music at Rome Academy circa 1888-1891. She sang in the church choirs and became a featured soloist.